Canterbury Maps gives you the ability to find, add and analyse features located around Canterbury. When you add layers to your map in the map viewer, they are only there temporarily. Next time you wish to access Canterbury Maps, they will not be added.
However, on the website there are plenty of 'pre-made' maps that contain layers related to specific projects or purposes. To find these, simply:
1. Go to the explore tab
(The explore tab is essentially a catalog of all the data available on Canterbury Maps)
2. Either do a keyword search in the box on the left, select one of the districts listed or choose a category. If you simply want to browse what is available, scroll through the list of available maps when first opening the explore page
3. Maps are tagged with this icon
Some examples of maps available on the site include:
Tools for Well Drillers - Created as part of the Bore Installers Programme. Layers include wells, springs, wetlands, groundwater take consents, Ngāi Tahu Rūnanga, piezometric contours etc.
Consent Checklist - A set of layers used in the consenting process, to make sure that the consent application covers all aspects that will be considered before a land use consent is granted.
Swing Moorings - Details the locations of swing moorings in Canterbury. Layers include maritime markers, swing moorings, maritime structures and moat mooring areas
Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan - Layers that are used as a part of the regional plan. The printed versions of each map page in the LWRP A3 map series can be accessed by clicking the grid covering the area of interest and then clicking the link that appears for the grid in the pop up window.
If you see a need for a new map, please feel free to contact to discuss this further.
Canterbury Maps does however, give you the ability to draw and save graphics. Find out more about drawing here