Company size: 300+

Founded: 2011

Most useful service: LLUR

Most useful map/tool: Canterbury Maps Data


Industries work within: Construction, Engineering, Local Govt and Central Govt

Who are we?

SCIRT rebuilding horizontal infrastructure in Christchurch following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. Ultimately we are responsible to the people of Christchurch and New Zealand. The head contractual agreement within SCIRT is an alliance between owner participants and non-owner participants. The owner participant organisations are: Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Christchurch City Council and New Zealand Transport Agency. The non-owner participants are: City Care, Downer, Fletcher, Fulton Hogan and McConnell Dowell. There are also many other Christchurch-based companies, who are part of SCIRT, playing a vital role in delivering the SCIRT programme of work.

How we use Canterbury Maps?

At SCIRT we utilise Canterbury Maps to help us understand what information is available that may benefit our task of rebuilding the horizontal infrastructure of Christchurch, with the aim of helping reduce any effect to the community, environment, our employees and with the aim of obtaining the best value for our clients. Information seen as useful is then consumed live onto SCIRT’s internal GIS Environment where all of SCIRT’s employees can utilise the information against the backdrop of SCIRT’s other datasets to allow for informed decisions.

As the services are utilised live off Ecan’s infrastructure, there is limited maintenance required by SCIRT; we always know that we have the latest available data and it is set to display in the most appropriate way.