
Resource Consents Layer Updates

GIS Resource Consents layer updates on Canterbury Maps

Because of the underlying changes to the way our resource consents database stores information, we have made improvements to the existing GIS layers relating to resource consents.

When will these changes occur?

Our web maps, web applications and map services will be updated on Tuesday 23rd of August. 

What will these changes mean?

  • Modifications to the existing resource consents data structure in Canterbury Maps. The layers have had a few field name and content changes – where possible the same structure and field names have been retained. Some fields have been removed from the GIS layers as those details are no longer collected in Environment Canterbury’s consent database. View the changes to existing layers here.

  • The addition of new GIS layers (area and line features). Prior to 2013 all spatial information related to resource consents was captured as points. Since 2013, we have started capturing the information as lines and areas where appropriate, meaning that richer information is now available for that period. We’ve taken the opportunity to add in these GIS layers where consent activities can be sensibly represented as an area or line feature. View the full list of new layers here.

  • Areas or polygon consent features will be split into two types. Activities that could be considered Global (or large scale) activities are represented in a separate layer to smaller scale features. This was done to prevent clogging up the GIS layers with features that cover the entire region and obscure all other activities. The new layers labelled Global contain all of the area shapes that are larger than 10,000 ha in size and areas without the word Global are area features smaller than 10,000ha. 

What web maps and applications may be affected?


Open Data

The updated and new resource consent layers will soon be available to download in our Open Data Portal. We will also be updating the descriptions for the different consent activity types.


Message for Advanced Viewer users

To see any changes to the consent layers you will need to refresh your browser cache. If you are unsure how to do so and are using internet explorer, follow these instructions. The article, Clear Your Browser's Cache provides instructions for other browser types.