
Map viewer updates

The map viewer has received some major updates. New map tools are now available for use.


Drawing tools

  • Copy a feature

  • Buffer features by a set distance

  • Merge features - combine multiple drawings into one

  • Explode features - creates individual drawings from a collection of merged features

  • Save drawings - save to a file on your computer to use at a later date or to share with others

  • Import drawings - import drawings from your computer or drawings received from others

Interactive measure tool

When drawing a line, the measurements will update interactively as you draw a feature.

Add data formats

Add spatial data to your map from a shapefile, CSV (excel spreadsheet), GPX or GeoJSON file. Alternatively add data from a web service URL.

Select, Buffer, Find

The old advanced viewer select, buffer, find tool have been replaced with a new set of functions in the new viewer. 



See the overview of the map before you print it. The layout and format of the print output can be changed accordingly.