Highly Productive Land - NZLRI LUC Classes 1 - 3

Highly Productive Land - NZLRI LUC Classes 1 - 3

Created by: canterburymaps
Last updated: Friday, April 19, 2024



This map is to show the highly productive land baseline as per the Proposed NPS (released August 2019) on the use of land use capability (LUC) classes 1-3 as a starting point for defining the resource.  See document below



LUC classes are a component of the NZLRI dataset; metadata is below. 

 Sourced from Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research @ http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/databases/nzlri.asp This layer includes: (1) Inventory of physical factors controlling land use - Rock (grouped by type on basis of common physical characteristics relevant to soil conversation and land use planning), Soil (from Landcare Research soil surveys), Slope (recorded as seven different classes A-G, eg G being all land >35o, Erosion (14 erosion types with serverity assessement scale 0-5), Vegetation (subdivision of five main groups - croplands, grasslands, forest, scrub, miscellaneous); (2) Land Use Capability (LUC) assessment by map unit - Class (I-VIII ie 'most versatile and productive' to 'most limitations to use'), Subclass (dominant limitation recorded ie e-'erodibility', c-'climate', w-'wetness', s-'soil limitatiojn within rooting zone'), Unit (number indicates LUC and denotes management/conservation requirements) (3) Fundamental Data Layers (FDL) containing key NZ soil attributes; (4) Pastoral & forestry production parameters, administration and natural boundaries.

Map Credits

Access and Use Constraints

Landcare Data Use License:

Map Contents

  • {{layersInfo.baseMap.title}}: {{layer.url}}{{$last ? '' : '; '}}
Operational Layers: